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This timeline covers the main milestones and events of the One Horton Heath development. Look back to learn more about the developments history and see what happens next.
Construction begins on the 5 bridges forming part of the site’s link road
These 3 road bridges and 2 pedestrian bridges form an essential part of the connectivity across the site. Allowing existing watercourses to be protected and maintained.
Infrastructure First
Luddon Construction set to begin link road
Luddon Construction has been awarded the £11.7m contract to build the final route phase of the link road. Starting in spring 2023, the national contractor will also be delivering a mile of shared footway and cycleway routes, utility and drainage connections and new bus facilities.
Ground Source Heat Pump network
Work begins at the Lower Acre
Specialist contractors, commence work on the developments innovative ground source heat pump network. The technology will deliver a renewable heat source to heat pumps in the home providing 100% of the home’s heating and hot water needs.
Community viewing platform opens Summer 2023
A viewing points adjacent to the North Gateway on Allington Lane opens to allow visitors to enjoy and explore the location, view the development and learn about ecology.
Green Open Space consultation
These 3 road bridges and 2 pedestrian bridges form an essential part of the connectivity across the site. Allowing existing watercourses to be protected and maintained.
Work to start on final phase of the link road
Construction on the all important link road is planned to start in late 2022. The 1.2 mile section will link into the Northern and Southern gateway roundabouts.
Start of construction on first new homes
After several years in planning, the developments first homes parcel is due to commence construction in autumn. The first of eight residential areas on the development the Lower Acre, once completed, will include 282 homes, a distinctive cycle greenway and a living wall.
Social Value
Social Value Toolkit launched for new year
Maximising social value from One Horton Heath, the new tool kit plays a vital role in every stage of the project unlocking our supply chain involvement for local employment and skills initiatives.
Land management
Chalcroft Farm - phase 2 demolition planned
Commencing autumn 2022, phase 2 of the Chalcroft Farm site preparation programme is planned.
Explore Map hits one-year anniversary
The interactive map, which guides users around the different aspects of the development, hit its 1-year anniversary this month. Since going live, the map has been viewed over 4,500 times.
Cable Undergrounding Site Preperation Completed
In July 2022, works to underground approximately 3km of overhead cables across the site were completed in order to prepare the site for future works. In spite of some challenging circumstances requiring some difficult engineering practices, the works were carried out successfully with minimal disruption for local residents.
Next phase of link road gets the go ahead
Construction on the final phase of the link road is set to start in early 2023 following grant of consent in September 2022.
First new homes approved
First 381 new homes at One Horton Heath approved
The developments first residential phase gets the go ahead in December 2022.
New Allington Lane roundabout opens in March
The team celebrate completion of the £1.65m new section of road and footway/cycleway on Allington Lane.
Masterplan outline application and first new homes application validated
Formally submitted to the Local Planning Authority in December 2020 the Masterplan outline application and first new homes application was were validated in January 2021. All relevant planning documents are available via the online planning portal using references: O/20/89498 for the Masterplan and F/20/89500 for the first new homes.
Horton Heath link road planning application is submitted in July
The 1.2 mile link road route will run through One Horton Heath and connect to the southern gateway at Burnetts Lane and to the northern gateway at Allington Lane. A big focus of the design incorporates features for safe travel. All relevant planning documents are available via the online planning portal using reference: F/21/91185
Chalcroft Way link road opens in September
The first phase of the all important new link road has fully opened to all users. Named Chalcroft Way, the new section of road, footway/cycleway and open space forms the southern gateway into the site.
Council acquires Solar Farm at One Horton Heath
Developed and built in 2013 by Solarcentury, one of the UK’s most experienced solar energy companies, the site hosts more than 25,600 photovoltaic panels covering around 34 acres of land. The move underlines the Council’s commitment to delivering an environmentally sustainable development with no reliance on fossil fuels. The 6.3 megawatt solar farm was acquired in June 2021.
Interactive map launched
New interactive online map showing the developments locations is launched. Users can explore places and content of interest on the new tool while also being able to find out more through the additional helpful gallery feed.
First new homes move a step closer
The first new homes application for 381 homes has moved a step closer after being supported in principle by the Horton Heath Development Management Committee in November 2021.
Masterplan supported
Horton Heath Development Management Committee support the Masterplan outline application in principle in September 2021.
First Homes Scheme Announced
One Horton Heath becomes the first development in the south to be part of the government's First Homes Schemes.
One Horton Heath project name
The One Horton Heath project brand name is adopted in January 2020.
The One Horton Heath website is launched in May 2020
The website tells the story of the development so far, with pages on our approach, the development process, the team leading the project and our work with the community. Featuring informational videos, an interactive timeline, and updates from the site.
Environmental Impact Assessment Scope consultation
The Environmental Impact Assessment Scope is consulted on. The EIA request is required under EU Law as a technical part of the pre-application process and ensures that environmental issues are at the forefront of the planning process. View the Scoping Request on the Council's website using reference V/20/87717
On site
Work starts on road infrastructure
Work started on the 8 June 2020 on the first phase of the developments infrastructure. The first phase of road building will see three new roundabouts on Bubb Lane, Burnetts Lane and Allington Lane, and a new link road between Bubb Lane and Burnetts Lane. Once complete, the site will have new access points at both the north and south of the development. A £20.8m grant from Homes England was awarded to kick start the development.
Planning & community
Public engagement - September
The first of two pre-application public consultations commenced in early September 2020. The consultation launched the development's Masterplan and first new homes proposals and was promoted online, in Horton Heath and through local partners. The consultation provided an opportunity for the public to see for the first time images of what One Horton Heath could look like. In a series of four public webinars, the community were able to hear from the One Horton Heath team and specialists. A detailed planning film carefully explained the development's design journey and addressed the development's main features.
Planning & community
Second planning consultation video launched
A new planning consultation video was launched in November 2020 in support of the second round of public engagement. The video contained new images and updated information about the emerging Masterplan and first new homes layout.
Foxholes Farm demolition granted
Application granted for prior approval to demolish a farmhouse and three barns located at Foxholes Farm (PN/19/84936). The application was submitted in December 2018 and approved in 2019.
Land-use plans produced
Alternative potential land-use plans are produced for various link road routes.
Masterplanning commences
Masterplanning for the development commences.
One Horton Heath Team
The project team for One Horton Heath is put in place. To find out more about the people involved in the One Horton Heath project, be sure to visit our team page.
Funding agreement entered into
Eastleigh Borough Council enters into a £20.8 million funding agreement unlocking development at One Horton Heath as part of the Government's £450 million Local Authority Accelerated Construction (LAAC) programme.
New project brief
A new project brief is prepared.
Fir Tree Farmhouse purchased
Eastleigh Borough Council purchases Fir Tree Farmhouse.
Housing target
The housing target and mix of housing to be delivered by the project recieves confirmation.
Solar Park at Chalcroft identified for purchase
The acquisition of the solar park located at Chalcroft is identified as a way to help deliver a more efficient road alignment, and to enable the use of the renewable power it generates within the One Horton Heath scheme.
Plans to self-deliver the development announced
Eastleigh Borough Council announce plans to self-deliver the development. As both landowner and developer, the Council can ensure that new homes are delivered alongside the provision of the right infrastructure, which will include roads, a school, a local centre and open spaces. Self deliver will allow the Council to focus on the creation of an excellent place to live.
Eastleigh Borough Council purchase 291 acres of the existing site.
Eastleigh Borough Council acquires the development land, purchasing 291 acres of the existing site.
Awarded £20.8m grant from Homes England
One Horton Heath is awarded a £20.8m grant as part of Homes England's Local Authority Accelerated Construction programme. The grant will help to fund enabling works and early infrastructure delivery at the site.
Eastleigh Borough Council purchases 7.7 acres of land
Eastleigh Borough Council purchases an additional 7.7 acres of land at Chalcroft. This additional land purchase will include one of two employment-land parcels at the site.
Local Development Forum commences
The Local Development Forum commences. The forum brings the One Horton Heath design team together with local representatives, including Parish Councillors, youth leaders, residents and school leaders, to ensure the development understands and meets the aspirations of the community.
Eastleigh Borough Council enter management services agreement
Eastleigh Borough Council enter into management services agreement with Galliford Try Partnership to prepare the site's outline planning application.
Eastleigh Borough Council purchase 4.3 additional acres
Eastleigh Borough Council purchases 4.3 additional acres (allocated for development but not covered by the extant consents).
Outline application submitted for 450 homes
North West Horton Heath - O/16/79354 application for outline permission for 450 dwellings including access from Allington Lane. Submitted October 2016.
Outline application approved for 950 homes
West Horton Heath - O/14/75735 application for outline permission for 950 dwellings including link road between Bubb and Burnetts Lane and access from Burnetts Lane. Approved December 2017. Section 106 agreement entered into.
Application for outline permission for 450 dwellings
North West Horton Heath - O/16/79354 application for outline permission for 450 dwellings including access from Allington Lane. Submitted October 2016.
Committee resolves to grant planning permission for 950 dwellings
West Horton Heath - O/14/75735 application. Committee resolves to grant planning permission for 950 dwellings including a new link road between Bubb and Burnetts Lane and access from Burnetts Lane.
West Horton Heath - O/14/75735 application submitted for West Horton Heath for outline permission for 950 dwellings including a new link road between Bubb and Burnetts Lane and access from Burnetts Lane. Submitted December 2014