Explore our plans, join us at an event and let us know your views.
Opened 25 November 2024 – Closed 24 January 2025
We invited members of the public to help shape the future of public art within our development.Green open spaces - click to open
Share your views with us. All questionnaires submitted are formally recorded and in accordance with data protection requirements. If you have any questions relating to the questionnaire, please contact us by emailing onehortonheath@eastleigh.gov.uk
Join us at our public drop-in event. Keep a look out for our next event.
↘If you need help accessing this or any other One Horton Heath information, please email us at onehortonheath@eastleigh.gov.uk or complete an enquiry form and we will help you.
Opened 16 June 2023 - Closed 7 July 2023
The secondary road will connect into to the future link road at two junction points and provide access to the local centre, primary school, residential and commercial areas and communal spaces. The scheme proposals will see upgrades to existing footways and new walking and cycling routes. By putting in our important infrastructure we're delivering on our infrastructure first commitment - one of the many ways we're delivering development differently.
View plans ⇢Opened 3 November 2023 - Closed 24 November 2023
The Green Open Space Consultation focused on delivering a network of connected green open spaces across the development.
The scheme proposals aimed to provide 35.5 hectares or 88 acres of undeveloped landscape all part of the green infrastructure programme. Features of the proposed scheme included designated spaces to support thriving habitats, maintained and enhanced nature-rich corridors, and upgraded walking and cycling links connecting key gateway locations. Sustainable drainage systems were also proposed within landscaped areas, creating attractive features that enhanced biodiversity while offering open spaces for people to enjoy, complete with focal and educational points.
We are developing a site wide cycle and pedestrian friendly network across the whole development for walkers and cyclists to enjoy. Proposals will see all existing Public Rights of Ways upgraded across the development and safe crossing points on all roads.
As we reach each important milestone, you will find the most up-to-date information on our website. All consultations will be advertised on our dedicated public engagement page, where you can access consultation materials, find information on ways to get involved and how to respond.
A simple way to explore the many parts that make up One Horton Heath is to use our interactive map. We also have many playlists available on our YouTube channel and you can follow activites onsite by subscribing to our Instagram channel. You can access all our channels through the website.
All the proposed works on the development will be split into multiple planning applications as details are designed. In this instance the road will form one application. This allows for each application to be more easily understood and assessed by the Council. However, all the applications will be accompanied by information and a plan showing how they fit into the overall development and Masterplan for One Horton Heath.