Breeding pairs identified in habitat ponds at the north of the site
In Spring 2021, six new habitat ponds were completed on the One Horton Heath site to provide a suitable natural environment that will support native species such as the endangered Great Crested Newt. The ‘Quobleigh Ponds’ are now well established with the reedbed planting protecting the important habitats created as part of the development. The ponds are surveyed frequently by specialists to ensure their ongoing success as breeding grounds alongside the newly planted woodland and species-rich grassland. In the most recent of these pond surveys, we were pleased to have found breeding pairs of not only endangered Great Crested Newts, but also Smooth Newts and Palmate Newts. With breeding season for Great Crested Newts taking place from around March to June, identification of these pairs indicates great promise for the future ecology in the north of the site. To find out more about how Great Crested Newts will use the ponds, you can watch our video.